

Thallassemia Prevention & Screening Camp

Free Eye Check-Up Camp

Free Medical Check-up Camp

Sit & Draw Competition @ Annual Programme

Wheerchair & Tri-cycle Distribution

Drees Distribution on Pujo Among Needy People

Blood Donation Camps

The blood that we donate helps a person in need. It enhances their health condition and makes them overcome their critical situation. In other words, blood donation does not simply help that specific person but also contributes to a responsible gesture towards society. So what we organaise our cmps during whole year in various places and Blood Centres also. We also send our Blood Warriors members to blood bank for emergency purpose of needy patient.

World Environment Day

On June 5th, World Environment Day, we come together to champion our planet. Through eco-expos, clean-up drives, and green workshops, we ignite community passion for environmental protection. By encouraging sustainable choices and fostering eco-conscious behaviours, we work towards a healthier and greener world for present and future generations.

Children’s Day Celebration

Children’s Day, observed on November 14th, is a joyous celebration dedicated to our youngest members. Through engaging and fun-filled events, creative art workshops, and child-focused activities, we honor the importance of children’s rights, well-being, and their unique place in our society. It’s a day that reminds us to cherish and prioritize the future generation’s happiness and development.

World Water Day

On March 22nd, World Water Day, our focus is water conservation. We actively involve the community through clean water initiatives, river clean-ups, and educational programs highlighting responsible water usage. By uniting efforts, we raise awareness about water’s vital role and promote sustainable practices to ensure its abundance for generations to come.

World Food Day

On October 16th, World Food Day, we tackle hunger through impactful actions. Our initiatives include food drives, awareness campaigns, and community gardens, all aiming to enhance food security. By emphasizing responsible consumption, we strive to ensure that everyone has access to nutritious meals while fostering a sustainable approach to nourishment.

Day of Poverty Eradication

On October 17th, the Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we unite to combat poverty’s grip. Our efforts encompass poverty-alleviation projects, empowering skill-building classes, and impactful awareness drives. By supporting marginalized individuals and families, we strive to break the cycle of poverty and foster a more equitable society.